Dutch auctions in the Lazy Summer Protocol facilitate efficient reward token sales. When ARKs harvest rewards, RAFT automatically auctions these tokens using a Dutch auction mechanism where prices decline over time until meeting a buyer or reaching the end price.
The auction process is fully automated:
Price declines according to chosen curve
Tokens are purchased or auction concludes
Proceeds are converted to vault tokens to enhance yields
Here's how a typical auction flow looks in code:
Copy // Example auction creation by RAFT
function _startAuction(address ark, address rewardToken) internal {
uint256 totalTokens = obtainedTokens[ark][rewardToken] +
DutchAuctionLibrary.Auction memory newAuction = _createAuctionWithParams(
Core Auction Functions
Auction Creation :
Copy function createAuction(
IERC20 _auctionToken,
IERC20 _paymentToken,
uint256 _duration,
uint256 _startPrice,
uint256 _endPrice,
uint256 _totalTokens,
Percentage _kickerRewardPercentage,
address _unsoldTokensRecipient,
DecayFunctions.DecayType _decayType
) external returns (uint256 auctionId)
Price Calculation :
Copy function getCurrentPrice(uint256 _auctionId) public view returns (uint256) {
return DutchAuctionLibrary.getCurrentPrice(auctions[_auctionId]);
Token Purchase :
Copy function buyTokens(
address ark,
address rewardToken,
uint256 amount
) external returns (uint256 paymentAmount) {
DutchAuctionLibrary.Auction storage auction = auctions[ark][rewardToken];
paymentAmount = auction.buyTokens(amount);
// Board payment tokens for yield generation
paymentTokensToBoard[ark][rewardToken] += paymentAmount;
Integration with RAFT
The RAFT contract handles auction automation:
Copy function harvestAndStartAuction(
address ark,
bytes calldata rewardData
) external {
(address[] memory harvestedTokens, ) = _harvest(ark, rewardData);
for (uint256 i = 0; i < harvestedTokens.length; i++) {
_startAuction(ark, harvestedTokens[i]);
Price Decay Functions
Two decay functions are available:
Copy // Linear decay
function linearDecay(
uint256 initialValue,
uint256 decayRatePerSecond,
uint256 decayTimeInSeconds
) internal pure returns (uint256)
// Exponential decay
function exponentialDecay(
uint256 initialValue,
uint256 decayRatePerSecond,
uint256 decayTimeInSeconds
) internal pure returns (uint256)
The chosen decay function determines how price decreases over the auction duration.